Lives Given

The Fallen From RCAF Station Patricia Bay

1939 – 1945

On 1 June 2017 the Victoria Airport Authority dedicated the memorial Lost Airmen of the Empire, by the noted artist, Illarion Gallant.  It sits on Hospital Hill, the highest point on the airfield, which offers commanding views of the airport, Mount Baker to the east, and Patricia Bay with Malahat Mountain to the west.  Inscribed on the individual Cooper Hawk feathers comprising the memorial are the names of all persons who perished during World War II while working at or posted to RCAF Station Patricia Bay, or who were aboard aircraft from that base.

Information about this memorial, prepared by the Victoria Airport Authority, can be found here.  Additional detail prepared by BCAM can be found here and here.

The Library at the BC Aviation Museum, located on the grounds of what is today Victoria International Airport, researched and provided the names for the memorial.  Since that time the library has worked actively to develop biographies of all individuals listed on this memorial.  In November of 2018 these biographies were posted to the museum website with the hope that missing or incomplete information can be obtained from families, friends and comrades of these persons.   A printed copy of these biographies will be dedicated and displayed in our Memorial Room effective 11 November 2019.  It is our wish to personalize and honour the sacrifice made by these men and women in the service of their country.

If you have questions about these names, or if you have information or photographs to supplement our information, please contact us at: [email protected]

This is intended to be a living document; comment and information is welcome at any time and we will continually update our biographies to provide the most current information available.

The Fallen

Abbots AH

Abell AJH*

Adams RW

Allan JJ

Allcorn RF

Andrews GH

Aucoin WP

Baird W

Barker WF

Barrow RT

Bastick NA

Bateman JH

Beazer MA

Bell JM

Bellotti AM

Bennett PG

Biggs PF

Birch HC

Bishop CL

Blakely RA

Blenkiron JL

Boalch FE

Bourne JH

Bowler KJ

Boyd JR

Bradley FG

Briggs JH

Britland LP

Brooks ER

Brooks LW

Brown RG

Bures P

Butler JD

Carson RA

Caverly LJ

Christy RT

Cockcroft RV

Conlon SJ

Cormie T

Cornell JL

Crawford AB

Crosson VG

Daigle VW

Davidson RW

Davies WE

Davis CJ

Dawson J

Day LO

Desbiens JGH

Dion WL

Dishman WR

Dobie ASD

Doherty AJ

Donald TB

Donkersley HW

Douglas-Home GC

Fear AWV

Fearnley JF

Flaherty JG

Fox CG

France A

Fraser AJ

Fraser RB

Fretwell JA

Frost HH

Fulbrook ST

Gates FD

Gimbert GA

Gordon E

Gordon HL

Gould GH

Grundy DH

Gunn JC

Hall GG

Hall GL

Harris WW

Hatfield WM

Hayes R

Heal LE

Hemphill S

Hoblitzell HF

Hodge RA

Hodgson SS

Hope DW

Hornbrook PF

Houston AD

Hrysko W

Huard KC

Hughes RJ

Hunt AW

Hutchinson B

Isbister DW

Johnson GP

Johnson N

Johnson NM

Kimpton PA

Kingswood GT

Kitley RV

Kjos KS

Lawrence AW

Light MJ

Lowe HA

Luckock RE

Lynch AS

MacColl DD

MacDougall DC

MacGillivary DD

Machell EB

MacLachlan RB

Maddrell GW

Mahoney JA

Maiden FK

Mansfield JS

Mann M

Manttan RK

Marlow AR

Martello RJ

Maun RA

McCarty WR

McIntosh J

McLeod HD

Merrill MH

Middleton CG

Mitchell RT

Morse J

Murphy JB

Nash RL

Nixon WM

O’Brien MJP

Oliver D

Orrell J

Pallen RH

Patenaude JR

Paterson G

Peterkin JS

Pettit L

Piercy HS

Popovich NM

Porter FF

Porter RRG

Potter CE

Presse JB

Pringle TA

Proctor RC

Quigley EG

Ralph J

Ramsay GBN

Riley WD

Riser JE

Ritchie ER

Robertson DJ

Robertson T

Ruocco VS

Schwab JH

Seaker RA

Senger GC

Shaw K

Smith MC

Sowerby E

Staples AI

Stapleton DL

Stillwell SH

Sugden C

Switzer SA

Szportan WL

Talbot JM

Thomas N

Thorn HJ

Trudel JRA

Tull LH

Turnbull WM

Utting VA

Vosburgh JR

Walls G

Wardlow TS

Warner AL

Watson RFL

Weekes NO

White WT

Wood R

Wooster WS

Wortley DB

* Abell RJH is listed on the feathers but a detailed record search found he died in 1946.